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Find here our articles, interviews and informative pieces on PHOTORAMA’s work and beyond.

Save the date!

PHOTORAMA will be present at many events in the spring. You will be able to find us at: The UNSW- APVI/Task12 Workshop, titled “Australia’s 2nd hybrid PV recycling workshop”, taking place in a hybrid at Kensington campus in Australia on March 11th 2022 The nPV Workshop, taking place one… Read More »Save the date!


Renewable solar energy is one of the most promising candidates to lead the energy transition. Indeed, solar energy, often generated through the use of Photovoltaic (PV) panels, brings along the promise of fossil-free clean energy. To enter this paradigm, the PV industry has to be… Read More »Why PHOTORAMA?

Discover our new Flyer!

In this short explanatory flyer, we highlight the key information on PHOTORAMA: its role in making PV panels more sustainable, its objectives and expected impacts! Have a read here or download the document y clicking below. Don’t hesitate to share!

Hello world!

We are happy to launch our project website PHOTORAMA. PHOTORAMA stands for “PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery & recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules” and is funded by the EU framework programme H2020. The overall concept of PHOTORAMA is to… Read More »Hello world!