In spring 2022, PHOTORAMA has organised three co-creation workshops with key PV stakeholders. Our aim was to better understand the concerns of different actors regarding PV recycling and to identify how to achieve PV circularity in the EU as soon as possible.
The workshops each addressed a different topic. The first two workshops took place online on April 26th and May 3rd. The first one was focused on PV collection and waste management. During the second workshop, the participants brainstormed on the topic of technology for optimal recycling.
The two workshops first identified obstacles to their specific thematic areas, elaborated on necessary measures to foster PV circularity and created a roadmap to achieve this goal.

In addition to the online meetings, we also held a workshop physically in Vienna. The objective was to discuss the necessary framework conditions for the establishment of a truly circular PV industry: economic, political & legal, social & environmental. The workshop took place on the 21st of June 2022 and hosted 19 participants. The participants were from different sectors of the PV value chain, such as representatives of research and businesses, of Solar Power Europe, of the Joint Research Centre Unit for solar photovoltaics of the EC, or of insurance and certification services. The workshop hosted two participants from outside the EU, from India and Norway, providing their specific international perspectives on the topic.

An essential part of the workshop was the identification of obstacles and solutions to implementing PV circularity using a PESTEL approach, which consists in identifying Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors. The second part of the workshop was used to prioritize and select key issues for further elaboration. Thanks to this exercise, the participants created a roadmap for the implementation of specific measures fostering PV circularity.
Beyond the creation of a roadmap, the workshop enabled several key actors along the value chain and in the policy and research field to meet and exchange, creating herewith a ground for understanding and further collaboration in the PV community.
What’s next?
The PHOTORAMA team is analysing the results of the workshops before releasing it on our website and social media channels.
We warmly thank all of our participants for their active contribution to the workshops, and their commitment to promoting a sustainable PV industry altogether!