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General Assembly in Catania: Getting closer to the pilot line! Add New Page

On June 4-5th 2024, the PHOTORAMA team met in the innovation lab of Enel Green Power in Catania, Italy.  During this 6th General Assembly of the consortium, the team exchanged on the status of all the activities taking place across the work packages such as the technical advancements on the re-use of recycled materials or the ongoing awareness-raising measures undertaken by the consortium.  

It was also the occasion to discuss the progress achieved regarding the set-up of the pilot line, which will bring in one place all the recycling technologies developed by the project. A substantial part of the equipment developed by the partners has already arrived at LuxChemtech’s facilities in Germany. The pilot line will serve as a demonstrator and will be able to process 100 tons of PV waste, recovering key valuable materials such as silver and gallium. 

On day 2, PHOTORAMA visited 3SUN giga factory, the largest PV factory in Europe.  

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During the second part of the day, the partners presented the advancement since the project’s beginning to PHOTORAMA’s advisory board members. Our advisory board is composed of representatives of PV cycle, the WEEE Forum, Solarpower Europe, Henkel and Sunplugged, among others.  It was the occasion to discuss how our innovations could be further exploited beyond the project. Members highlighted the importance of the necessary framework conditions such as good practices during the collection stage and the adequacy of the technologies beyond a niche market. 

At month 36 of the project, the PHOTORAMA team is set to achieve the project objectives and looks forward to sharing the final results with an open day at its pilot line in spring 2025. Stay tuned for upcoming news! 

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